Friday, 2 February 2018

Starting with a very different challenge

Many of you may know already that the Lord has set our South Africa team an extra challenge - a very tough and unexpected one. We had barely made friends with each other when we heard that Liz would not be going with us. She has just been diagnosed with bowel cancer and is facing an operation on 15th February. This means she will not have recovered in time to go to Ethembeni.
Liz is still very, very much part of our team, for we know that God very often calls some people to pray for others who may be heavily occupied, and she will be upholding us to Jesus when we go.
But for now, it is our task to lift her to the throne of grace where we all can find mercy just when we need it. We would value the prayers of everyone reading this for Liz, that the surgery and prognosis may go well - and that she might be fit and able to join us or another Tearfund team on a different trip in the not too distant future!

Finally, we trust you can read this blog and will find it meaningful, as we report on our preparations and journey. We are grappling with technical stuff! We think we are doing all the right things - although unlike the amazing Tearfund Go staff who trained us we are still learning, finding our feet and everything else we need to take with us. There were some hilarious messages flying back and forth when one team member (who to save their blushes shall remain nameless) managed to send their spouse's shopping list to all of us, instead of just to their spouse - while testing their phone's Whatsapp link. Is the window cleaner for the plane windows? Do we need the floor cleaner too? Won't the marmalade attract mosquitoes rather than repel them? No doubt we will all have surprised or embarrassed ourselves before we get home!

In Christ with love from all of us, to all of our readers and pray-ers
 - the Ethembeni 2-week team.

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