Tuesday, 20 March 2018

At last!

Apologies for a late report! WiFi is not too easy to come by here. Greetings again from our team here in Mpophemeni. Yesterday was a big shock, as we went to the slum of Shiyase.  Townships are one thing, an unlit mud shack surrounded by razor wire, with earth floor, covered by a Mums and toddlers group, quite another. It seems that like a descending lift shafts, there are unsuspected basement layers of poverty even lower down. Wendy from Ethembeni's told the children that Jesus loved them and that meant they were a church.  Monday afternoon was a different revelation, of a flood of cheerful children with some remarkably good at English, their second language. Also yesterday and today, explaining to Mums why they should breastfeed and what arguments they could use on their husbands to convince them to use protection! Please pray for one pregnant lady (her Zulu name means "a gift given") who is very afraid of losing her child - she has reached 3 months safely. Now, the children are pouring in again! More pics when we have a moment to spare. George, for the team.

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