Sunday, 1 April 2018

Signing off

And finally... Yes, our team has all safely travelled on or home, and this will be our blog's last entry. Our last two days were lovely and messy, as we descended on the health Clinic in Mpophemeni for some team decorating. School had finished, so we had time to refurbish the two rooms used by the Clinic for consultations involving children. Those team members whose artistic skills extended to plain white emulsion (like me) applied them to the ceilings and walls. Then those with higher level ability created child-friendly art - with some difficulty,  as no-one had managed to acquire art brushes. Bits of tissue and even the bottom of a biro were used to create effects.
No doubt Mpophemeni children will be staring at our eccentric images for quite a few years to come. To end our story, and to show how often the simplest things are used by God to bless and build His kingdom among us, here are some results of our labours:

So now we take our leave, of you perhaps, but not of Jesus, who we pray will keep us all close to Himelf, both those in the field and those in the prayer house. Love from all the Ethembeni expeditionary team, including Liz. It might be your turn next! George. 

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